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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

As you drive through the cornfields of northern Illinois, just north of the town of Aurora, you may see a massive brick building that seems out of place. It stands three or four stories high with an elaborate facade depicting pillars and cornices. Topped by towering spires with flapping banners, it looks as if it belongs to another world. In a sense it does—the architectural style comes from southern India, and the building itself is a Hindu temple. I was there late on a Sunday morning, and the parking lot was about half full. There were cars from as far away as Michigan. The building’s main entrance was a little below ground level, and as is common with Hindu temples outside of India, the lowest level had a lobby, a kitchen, and a large meeting room that was comparable to the “church basements” of its Christian counterparts. The lobby was furnished austerely, with folding tables and chairs. There were a few people sitting near the kitchen, drinking tea and chatting informally.

Author: James G. Lochtefeld, Ph.D.

Pages: 912

Issue By: Gyan Publication

Published: 3 years ago

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