Book Details

Polymer People An Artists Method of Sculpting the Adult Torso in Polymer Clay

Polymer People An Artists Method of Sculpting the Adult Torso in Polymer Clay

This is loaded with information for anyone wanting to create a realistic person in polymer clay. For the first time, a polymer clay artist will have a resource created for those serious about creating realistic looking figures, complete with plenty of examples and demonstrations. Polymer clay continues to grow as a fine art medium. But, currently there are few resources for people wanting to make realistic figures. It is that gap that this book is aiming to fill. I show the demonstrations step-by-step as I create them. This is the third in the series of "Polymer People", the first two covering the adult human head, and the second on hands and feet. I present to you the third method I used to create a realistic torso. I suggest you work your way straight through both methods to find the techniques most useful. You will discover: 1. Recommended tools and clays by the author 2. Examples and demonstrations showing portions of the human torso 3. Affects of age and weight on the appearance of the torso 4. And much more!

Author: Diane Dobson Barton

Pages: 89

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 1 year ago

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