Book Details

Bernini Sculpting in Clay

Bernini Sculpting in Clay

The brilliantly expressive clay models created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680) as «sketches» for his masterful works in marble and bronze offer extraordinary insights into his creative imagination. Marked with impressions from the artists fingers and tools, these models give the viewer a sense of looking over Berninis shoulder as the sculptures were taking shape. Most the models—especially his sketches, or bozzetti—are executed in a loose style that conveys great speed and dexterity, as well as the artists concern with developing the best possible design. Even though long admired, these models have never before been the subject of such extensive technical examination and art-histoical research.

Author: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Pages: 435

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 1 year ago

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