Book Details

Invertebrates 3rd Ed by Richard C

Invertebrates 3rd Ed by Richard C

About the cover The scale worm Ardonoe pulchm on the ,varty sea cucumber (Apostichopus parvi111e11- sis). Photo by Larry Jon Friesen. D r . Friesen's spectacular photographs were also part of the Second Edition of Invertebrates (including its cover), and over 130 of his photographs grace the pages of this Third Edition. The success of this project has been due, in no small part, to his contributions. Larry Jon Friesen, PhD, con1pleted his graduate research at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in Ani,nal Communication. Dr. Friesen is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Santa Barbara City College, teaching Cell Biology and Ani,nal Diversity and incorporating his life-long passion for nature photography.

Author: Sinauer Associates

Pages: 1128

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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