The lure of precious stones and gems is universal – it
is common to every age and every culture. From the
moment a sparkling mineral first caught the eye of a
caveman, humans have been fascinated by the wonders
of the earth beneath their feet, and have marvelled at the
different ways that stones and crystals react with the light,
at their varied properties and uses, and at the way that they
appear miraculously transformed when cut and polished.
This appeal goes far beyond visual beauty – throughout
history, mysterious powers have been ascribed to
certain gems and minerals. Healers deemed some
gems to have medicinal qualities, while astrologers
and alchemists utilized others; the sacred texts of major
religions mentioned precious stones, and jewels frequently
featured in ritual practices. Some Chinese emperors,
for example, were buried in jade suits, in the belief that
this stone conferred a form of immortality; similarly, the
precious gems and metals used in the complex burial
rites of Egyptian pharaohs were designed to ease their
passage into the afterlife.