Owen Gaffney was born at 324 parts per million carbon dioxide.
He is a global sustainability writer, analyst, and strategist, based at
the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Stockholm
Resilience Centre. He is a Future Earth Senior Fellow and an
Edmund Hillary Fellow (New Zealand), and also sits on the faculty
of Singularity University. He cofounded the Exponential Roadmap
Initiative and the film company Gaiaxia and advises organizations
such as the Global Commons Alliance. Owen trained in astronautic
engineering, filmmaking, and journalism. His work has appeared
in academic journals such as Nature and Science, and he has
contributed to New Scientist and the WWF’s Living Planet Report.
He cofounded the Future Earth Media Lab and Rethink magazine
and sits on the editorial board of the Anthropocene magazine. Owen
lives in a forest on the Stockholm archipelago.