Book Details

The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook

The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook

My grandmother was not a demonstrative woman, yet all of us grandkids knew without a doubt that she loved us very much. After all, she was always cooking for us. There were simple yet homemade lunches, nourishing dinners, and wonderful desserts. Grandma showed her love by cooking and baking. I have found myself following in her footsteps—not for people, though, but for dogs. It’s easy to make good treats, especially for my dogs, because they’ll eat anything I hand them, and they always appreciate my efforts. By making homemade dog treats, I can also control the ingredients I use. I can make sure that the ingredients are of good quality, and I can avoid things that I prefer my dogs not eat. It’s important to me that my dogs eat well; after all, I want them to be with me, hale and hearty, for as long as they can be. Treats are important, and I want the ones my dogs get to be good ones made from quality ingredients. All the treats in this book were tested in my kitchen and in the kitchens of several willing volunteers. I hope that we caught any glaring errors. However, cooking techniques vary, ovens vary, and so do microwaves. (Yes, there are a couple of microwave recipes in this book.) So, when you try a recipe for the first time, watch your cooking time; if your oven is hot, shorten the cooking times, and if your oven is cooler, extend the cooking times.

Author: Liz Palika

Pages: 128

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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