Book Details

Celestial Mechanics The Waltz of the Planets

Celestial Mechanics The Waltz of the Planets

Many people have helped us throughout the writing of this book: discussions, suggestions, comments, encouragement, logistic and moral support have been supplied by Niccolo Argentieri, Antonella Barucci, Teresa Boccuti, Ruggero Casacchia, Paola Celletti, Luigi Chierchia, Raffaele Chierchia, Carolina Ciampaglia, Grazia Ciminelli, Alessandro Coletta, Marcello Coradini, Simonetta Di Pippo, Elisabetta Dotto, Sylvio Ferraz-Mello, Lorenza Foschini, Giangiacomo Gandolfi, Margherita Hack, Corrado Lamberti, Edizioni Lapis, Cristina Lupi, Alessandro Manara, Paolo Marpicati, Barbara Martellacci, Andrea Milani, Luca Missori, Cristina Morciano, Franca Morgia, Jane O'Farrell, Anna Parisi, Walter Pecorella, Mirella Perali, Elena Perozzi, Giuditta Perozzi, Umberto Rampa, Enrico Romita, Alessandro Rossi, Hans Scholl, Bruno Sicardy, Bonnie Steves, Sabina & Simone Tonon, Giovanna Tranfo, Alberto Tuozzi, Giovanni Valsecchi, Giovanni Verardi. A very special thank to all the CELMEC participants, to Paolo Ulivi, who provided the missing link between Praxis and ourselves, and to John Mason and Clive Horwood for their patient and continuous support.

Author: Alessandra Celletti and Ettore Perozzi

Pages: 276

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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