Star Finder! A Step-by-Step Guide to the Night Sky
On a clear night in the Northern Hemisphere, you can see
some 3,000 stars with the naked eye alone. When you look
up at the stars, you are following a tradition that goes back
thousands of years. As they tried to understand what they
were seeing, people of ancient cultures looked up at the night
sky and searched for patterns in the stars, eventually creating
the ultimate “dot to dot.” They formed characters, animals,
and objects from these patterns and made up stories about
them that have been passed down through generations.
By creating these patterns, called constellations, the stars were
transformed from random dots into recognizable shapes that
can be used to help us navigate our way through the night sky
and down here on Earth.
With this book, you can follow in the footsteps of your
ancestors by discovering the constellations and using
them to hop from star to star and appreciate the beauty
of the heavens.