One day, my students sat me down and ordered me to write this book. They
wanted people to be able to use our work to make their lives better. It was
something I’d wanted to do for a long time, but it became my number one
My work is part of a tradition in psychology that shows the power of people’s
beliefs. These may be beliefs we’re aware of or unaware of, but they strongly
affect what we want and whether we succeed in getting it. This tradition also
shows how changing people’s beliefs—even the simplest beliefs—can have
profound effects.
In this book, you’ll learn how a simple belief about yourself—a belief we
discovered in our research—guides a large part of your life. In fact, it permeates
every part of your life. Much of what you think of as your personality actually
grows out of this “mindset.” Much of what may be preventing you from
fulfilling your potential grows out of it.
No book has ever explained this mindset and shown people how to make use
of it in their lives. You’ll suddenly understand the greats—in the sciences and
arts, in sports, and in business—and the would-have-beens. You’ll understand
your mate, your boss, your friends, your kids. You’ll see how to unleash your
potential—and your children’s.