This guide is divided into 16 themed sections and starts with a
pronunciation table which explains the phonetic pronunciation to all the
words and sentences you’ll need to know, and a basic grammar guide
which will help you construct basic sentences in your chosen language. At
the end of the book is an extensive English–Hindi word list.
Throughout the book you’ll come across boxes with a beside them.
These are designed to help you if you can’t understand what your listener
is saying to you. Hand the book over to them and encourage them to point
to the appropriate answer to the question you are asking.
Other boxes in the book—this time without the symbol—give listings of
themed words with their English translations.
For extra clarity, we have put all phonetic pronunciations of the foreign
language terms in bold italic.
This book covers all subjects you are likely to come across during the
course of a visit, from reserving a room for the night to ordering food and
drink at a restaurant and what to do if your car breaks down or you lose
your money. With over 2,000 commonly used words and essential
sentences at your fingertips you can rest assured that you will be able to
get by in all situations, so let Essential Hindi become your passport to
learning to speak with confidence!