WALK INTO A BAR. Yes, it actually happened, in the chill of
a winter night in Finland! A group of enthusiastic people listened
as the moderator asked what each of them considered to
be the most important story people need to know. The Christian
theologian said that the most important story was salvation
through God’s grace. The analytic philosopher disagreed,
saying that the most important story for mankind was that of
the Enlightenment. The developmental biologist knew that he
was supposed to say “evolution.” But evolution is the consequence
of another, more fundamental story. So the biologist
claimed that most inspiring and meaningful story was how the
embryo constructs itself. You pass from unformed zygote to the
adult organism with its heart, brain, limbs, and gut all properly
differentiated and organized. It is a story of how newness is
created, how one keeps one’s identity while building oneself,
and how global forces and local forces work together to generate
a functional entity. This is the story we tell in this book.