Book Details

McGraw-Hill's Conquering SAT Math, 2nd Ed

McGraw-Hill's Conquering SAT Math, 2nd Ed

Conquering the New SAT Math covers all the mathematics topics and all the problem types on the new version of the SAT. It is the SAT you will take. Every page in this book was field tested by high school students and reviewed by experienced high school math teachers. We listened very carefully to student and teacher recommendations to create a book that will work for you. You learn mathematics by doing mathematics. The review sections of this book contain hundreds of examples and practice problems. The review sections also feature worked-out model SAT problems—more than 300 practice SAT problems with explained answers. There are another 270 SAT problems with explained answers in five SAT Mathematics Practice Tests. That’s more than 600 worked-out SAT practice problems in all. We review each of the 17 major areas on the SAT in 17 separate chapters. Each chapter begins with a clear review and practice with answers. Next come several worked-out SAT problems to show you how to apply the mathematics concepts to the SAT format. Then comes a whole set of practice SAT problems in each chapter, with explained answers. The problems generally increase in difficulty. The five mathematics practice tests follow the review chapters. Each test reflects the mix of mathematics problems you will find on the real SAT. The tests are deliberately a little more difficult than the actual SAT. You will get an estimated mathematics score range for each test you complete. We show you strategies for answering SAT multiple choice and “grid-in” math questions. However, the most important strategy is to think mathematically, just like the people who make up the test do. These test writers always have particular mathematics skills and concepts in mind as they write an item. Knowing how to spot those concepts is usually the secret to getting a high score. You’ll learn that from this book.

Author: Robert Postman

Pages: 402

Issue By: Gyan Publication

Published: 2 years ago

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