Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology 4th Ed by Hoffbrandt, Pettit, Vyas
Since the previous edition was published in 2000, major advances have occurred in the understanding
of the molecular basis of hematological diseases. The World Health Organization
(2008) Classifi cation of Hematological Malignancies has incorporated this new knowledge to
defi ne many of these diseases and to add new entities. Molecular genetics are also now used
more widely to classify benign disorders such as the thalassemias, inherited bone marrow failure
syndromes, iron refractory iron defi ciency anemia, hemochromatosis, and inherited coagulation
disorders. We have attempted to fully illustrate this new knowledge in the fourth edition
of the Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology. Scientifi c diagrams, images of cytogenetics, fl uorescent
in-situ hybridization (FISH), and gene arrays are included throughout. Fluorescentactivated
cell sorting (FACS) and new imaging techniques, including FDG-PET, widely used
in the diagnosis of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, are also extensively included.