JADAM Organic Farming The way to Ultra-Low-Cost agriculture
What does “JADAM” mean? It is short for our Korean full name Jayonul
Damun Saramdul. is name means “people who are like nature.” Yes, we
are the nature-like people who believe in and follow the wisdom of nature.
In nature’s wisdom lies the path to high yield, high quality and low cost.
We have specialized in the search for the method that makes possible farming
at ultra-low-cost. Traditional farming was based on common sense and
simple knowledge: anybody could follow with ease; all necessary material
were available from near; and what were readily available were valued. is
is how ultra-low-cost in farming was made possible. Farmers had control
and leadership over farming.
All over the world, agriculture is leaving the hands of farmers as fertilizer
and pesticide companies take more control over it. Farmers now buy all
farming necessities from the marketplace – seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides,
microbes, etc. – which in the past were self-sufficient. Farmers now
rely on the experts; experts tell the farmers how to use fertilizer and pesticide,
what to do when. What farmers have lost has been passed on to the
business – the control over farming. is is so in conventional and organic
alike. One might have dreamt of a harmony between farmers and business
in this new order but the proits are not being fairly shared; rather it lows
only in one direction.
For the past 20 years, JADAM has studied ultra-low-cost agriculture.
JADAM believes that this knowledge can advance the independence of
farmers. Farmers should not be mere consumers of products and technologies
developed by the agricultural corporations, they need to reclaim
what they have lost: knowledge; the will to knowledge; and control over
their own fate.