Book Details

Pruning and Training

Pruning and Training

At the simplest level, the purpose of pruning and training is to make sure that plants are as healthy and vigorous as possible, free of structural weakness, and at the least risk of being infected by disease. The effects of expert pruning, however, go beyond this straightforward aim. With additional know ledge of how pruning and training influences the way in which plants grow and perform, the gardener can not only improve their natural appearance but also enhance ornamental features such as flowers and foliage, increase crops, and create striking plant features and combinations. Under standing the principles of how and why plants respond to pruning is the key to realizing their potential. “How do you prune it?” is one of the most commonly asked questions about plants. There is often more than one correct answer, because many can be grown and pruned in different ways to produce different effects. While pruning is often a complex subject, for many plants pruning can be kept very simple, since they require little more than the removal of dead, diseased, or damaged wood to keep them in good health.

Author: DK Publishing

Pages: 338

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 3 years ago

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