Book Details

Microbiology A Systems Approach by Marjorie Kelly Cowan, Heidi Smith

Microbiology A Systems Approach by Marjorie Kelly Cowan, Heidi Smith

Welcome to the microbial world! I think you will f ind it fascinating to understand how microbes interact with us, and with our environment. The interesting thing is that each of you has already had a lot of experience with microbiology. For one thing, you are thoroughly populated with microbes right now, and much of your own genetic material actually came from viruses and other microbes. And while you have probably had some bad experiences with quite a few microbes in the form of diseases, you have certainly been greatly benef ited by them as well. This book is suited for all kinds of students and doesn’ t require any prerequisite knowledge of biology or chemistry. If you are interested in entering the health care profession in some way, this book will give you a strong background in the biology of microorganisms, without overwhelming you with unnecessary details. Don’ t worry if you’re not in the health professions. A grasp of this topic is important for everyone—and can be attained with this book.

Author: McGraw hill Education

Pages: 860

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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