2.10 O descendant of Bharata, to him who was
sorrowing between the two armies, Hrsikesa,
mocking as it were, said these words:
English Translation of Sri Sankaracharya's Sanskrit
Commentary - Swami Gambhirananda
2.10 And here, the text commencing from 'But
seeing the army of the Pandavas' (1.2) and ending
with '(he) verily became silent, telling Him
(Govinda), "I shall not fight"' is to be explained as
revealing the cause of the origin of the defect in the
from of sorrow, delusion, etc. [Delusion means
want of discrimination. Etc. stands for the
secondary manifestations of sorrow and delusion,
as also ignorance which is the root cause of all
these.] which are the sources of the cycles of births
and deaths of creatures. Thus indeed, Ajuna's own
sorrow and delusion, cuased by the ideas of
affection, parting, etc., originating from the
erroneous belief, 'I belong to these; they belong to
me', with regard to kingdom [See note under verse
8.-Tr.], elders, sons, comrades, well-wishers (1.26),