Book Details

Introduction to Sociology (Seagull Eleventh Edition) ( etc

Introduction to Sociology (Seagull Eleventh Edition) ( etc

Authored by four leading scholars and teachers, Introduction to Sociology provides an authoritative introduction to basic concepts, major theories, and current research in a streamlined, easy-to-navigate format. A consistent four-part chapter structure makes the reading manageable without sacrificing coverage, while InQuizitive, Norton’s award-winning adaptive learning platform, helps ensure students are mastering the content. At the end of every chapter, a discussion of unanswered questions highlights the power of the sociological imagination to help us better understand our complex society.

Author: Deborah Carr, Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum

Pages: 857

Issue By: Blue Stone Publication

Published: 11 hours ago

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