Principles and Practice of Clinical Bacteriology by Stephen Gillespie, Peter M
Change is inevitable and nowhere more than in the world of bacteriology.
Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1997 the speed
of change has accelerated. We have seen the publication of whole
genome sequences of bacteria. The first example, Mycoplasma
genitalium, was heralded as a breakthrough, but this was only the first
in a flood of sequences. Now a wide range of human, animal and environmental
bacterial species sequences are available. For many important
organisms, multiple genome sequences are available, allowing comparative
genomics to be performed. This has given us a tremendous insight
into the evolution of bacterial pathogens, although this is only a part
of the impact of molecular biological methods on bacteriology. Tools
have been harnessed to improve our understanding of the pathogenesis
of bacterial infection, and methods have been developed and
introduced into routine practice for diagnosis. Typing techniques have
been developed that have begun unravelling the routes of transmission
in human populations in real time. New pathogens have been
described, and some species thought to have been pathogenic have
been demonstrated only to be commensals. Improved classification,
often driven by molecular methods, has increased our ability to study
the behaviour of bacteria in their interaction with the human host.
New treatments have become available, and in other instances, resistance
has developed, making infections with some species more difficult
to manage.